Thursday, 31 August 2017

rising river steam
cathedral bells chime
out of synch

Published (2017) Blithe Spirit, (Journal of the British Haiku Society) Volume 27, Number 4, page 18.

LHA Ref:
Blithe Spirit 27.3, November 2017

Living Haiku Anthology

This haiku was edited - and improved - by Shrikaanth Krishnamurthy, the original was:

cathedral bells
chiming out of synch
river steam rising


  1. Nice editing by the two of you!

    Here's one by my wife:

    early dark
    the cathedral visible
    only as windows

    Karen Hoy
    Publication credit:
    Blithe Spirit Vol. 13 No. 1, (March 2003), ISSN 1353-3320

    Anthology credit:
    Another Country: Haiku Poetry from Wales (Gomer Press 2011, ISBN: 9781848513068) ed. Nigel Jenkins, Ken Jones, Lynne Rees

    Haiku from Wales feature: Per Diem, Wales, The Haiku Foundation (May 24th 2015)

    1. Alan - thanks very much for sharing that - lovely image created


empty recycling bin the thump of the first wine bottle