Sunday, 8 March 2020

Dew (tsuyu) death haiku

my old body:
a drop of dew grown
heavy at the leaf tip
oi no me ya
hazue no omaru
tsuyu no tama

Kida d.1968 (90 years)


like dewdrops
on a lotus leaf
I vanish
hasu no ha no
tsuyu to kieyuku
wagami tana

Senryu  d.1827


to grass it comes
and turns to grass:
a drop of dew

kusa ni kite
kusa ni kaeru ya
tsuyu no tama

Shikatu d. 1767 (53 years)


I wish this body
might be dew in a field
of flowers

hana no negai
hanano no tsuyu to
naro mi kana

Tembo d. 1823 (83 years)


even dew distilled
from a thousand herbs
can't cure this illness

shisho ni wa
chigusa no tsuyu no
gen mo nashi

Tojun d. 1695 (73 years)

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empty recycling bin the thump of the first wine bottle