Saturday, 31 August 2019

in my tears
the wooden Buddha
begins to float

ancient Chinese temple
each guide
telling a different story

Published (2019) Blithe Spirit Volume 29 Number 4 page 29

Published (2019) London Haiku Group Anthology 2019 page 37
Shanxi Province Museum
the smell
of ancient toilets
his early rock
her late scissors
the toddler wins again
Yingze Park
even the peonies
sing patriotic songs
sipping the whisky
for the seduction
of the blurb
on the label
ignoring the one-legged beggar
I disembark the train
the endoscopy begins
with the first live view
of my rear end
daring not
to speak it’s name
boy erased

Sunday, 25 August 2019

sixties revival evening
on the wall
a defibrillator

Published (2019) London Haiku Group Anthology 2019 page 37
taking my breath away
hay fever

Saturday, 24 August 2019

stubble on the winter field
the farmer
rubs his chin

Published (2020) Failed Haiku Issue 73 page 120

Saturday, 17 August 2019

reaching the low note
on my shinobue
at last

A perfect day
reaching the low note
on my shinobue
stubble fires
to burn all night

Monday, 12 August 2019

Sappho (translated by Mary Bernard)

the cricket sets
up a high-pitched
singing in his wings

from At noontime 
Ambrosia stood
already mixed
in the wine bowl

from Peace reigned in heaven

The full moon is shining
Girls take their places
as though around an altar

from And their feet move

Stars near the lovely
moon cover their own
bright faces

from Awed by her splendour 

The swans on the river
While a wind blows over
A waste of thistles

from Winter by Philip Larkin
through the old magnifying glass
with my mother’s eyes

Published (2019) Failed Haiku Volume 4, Issue 45, page 86 
an old cat
stretched out 
on a hot car roof
at the kitchen door 
a half eaten fly
in the spider’s web

empty recycling bin the thump of the first wine bottle