Saturday, 20 July 2019

New York sequence

Times Square
a busker
plays Summertime

Central Park jogger 
on his phone
doing a deal

Central Park
she takes her boobs out
for a jog

Natural History Museum
the past

New York subway
ghost trains
passing overhead

42nd St
rough sleepers
waiting for a miracle

in hushed tones
the priest
hearing Confessions

New York heatwave
only the breeze moving 
on 7th Avenue

Published (2020) 30th Anniversary British Haiku Society Members' Haiku Anthology City page 41

Museum of Sex
that’s where it went!

Published (2019) Failed Haiku Volume 4, Issue 45, page 86

gracing the table
a Christian couple
hold hands in Starbucks

45th St
a half eaten pretzel
on the sidewalk

Liberty Island
freedom takes the shape
of a butterfly

early morning 
New York goes to work
with a stern face

street vendor
one toy dog
running away

Manhattan bookstore
between the lines

Ellis Island
tourists queuing
to get in

on the sidewalk
a homeless man
joins the gum dots

Published (2019) by Failed Haiku Volume 4 Issue 45 page 86 

The Guggenheim
ideas spiral
out of control

five minutes
until the bookstore opens
time stands still

correction bus
siren wailing
a euphemism drives past

New York NY
Washington DC

slow service
I read the menu

Arlington Cemetery
a squirrel
digs up the past

Washington heatwave
from the Metro

on my DC map
an ant strolls
up the National Mall

Baltimore backstreet
the American dream
some blocks away

Philadelphia slums
living the dream

Washington DC
New York NY

the Big Apple
for another bite

I wandered 
in a crowd

buttocks quivering
she freewheels past
on the cobblestones

New York
even the pigeons
got attitude

Published (2019) by Failed Haiku Volume 4 Issue 45 page 86

Wednesday, 17 July 2019

lilac blossom
sweet scent with just a hint
of wheelie bin

Published (2019) by Creatix Number 46

Published (2019) London Haiku Group Anthology 2019 page 37

Living Haiku Anthology

purple bird shit
midsummer reminder
of cherry blossom

Friday, 12 July 2019

Friday, 5 July 2019

BHS IHC 1 June 2019 Translations of Chiyo-ni haiku

full moon –
keeping it in my eyes
on a distant walk

bricht moon
aye in ma ee’n
on a lang w’ak

Published (2019) Harmony within diversity (A collection of papers delivered at the International Haiku Conference St Albans, UK 31 May-2 June 2019) page 28

Thursday, 4 July 2019

last flight
of the evening
half price sandwiches

Published (2019) cattails October page 36

Monday, 1 July 2019

Found haiku:

At the skim of evening*
Wild geese fly inland
Then the sound of silence

From 'Geese' Kevin Crossley-Holland (1991) New and Selected Poems 1965-1990 Hutchinson, London page 26

Accepted (2020) Poetry Pea

empty recycling bin the thump of the first wine bottle